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Award-winning Dublin-based photographer Mark Nixon has created a wonderfully whimsical and nostalgic collection of images of stuffed toys that have been 'much loved' over the years. An exhibit of the photographs in Dublin sparked a small storm on the blogosphere and received 1.5 million hits in a 10-day period.


Award-winning Dublin-based portrait photographer Mark Nixon has created a wonderful, whimsical and nostalgic collection of images of individual stuffed animals that have been lovingly abused from years of play. The well-worn toys show battle scars of being the prized possessions of children and cherished companions that have seen many a repair as different parts start wearing down, says Nixon.


An exhibit in the photographer s professional studio led to a small sensation on the Internet when a few of the images circulated unofficially on scores of blogs and on many legitimate news sites. Viewers have been intrigued by these funny, bittersweet images and their ironic juxtaposition of childhood innocence and aged, loving wear & tear. When you see these teddy bears and bunnies with missing noses and un-done stuffing, you can t help but think back to childhood and it earliest companions who asked for nothing and gave a lot back. MuchLoved includes sixty 4-colour portraits along with an accompanying background story for each animal.

Much loved - portraits of beloved teddies

Artikelnummer: MUCH LOVED
CHF 29.00Preis
  • kurzzeitig vergriffen, kann bestellt werden, Verfügbarkeit ab Herbst 2019.

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